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科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案

2019-03-08 高考作文 类别:叙事 1500字

下面是文案网小编分享的科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案,以供大家学习参考。

科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文  2040年的一天作文文案

科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案:

⑥下午,你飞往兰州去会见负责太空移民中心的 Tom Peterson 先生。你一下飞机就走进漂亮雅致的大会客室。
A Day of life in 2040
It is seven o'clock in the morning when I wake up on April 4,2040. My wife is still sleeping. I hurry up for I have an important meeting at nine o'clock in Tianjin. I tell my Robot to prepare the breakfast, and I go to take a shower. When I come out of the bathroom, my breakfast is ready on the dining table. I eat the food and feel that I still prefer my wife's cooking to the Robot's. I wish she could teach our Robot how to cook better.
At seven thirty, I walk out of my villa① and pull out my office type Shanghai. I set the destination and the arriving time, and then begin to work for the meeting. The traffic has changed beyond people's imagination. You no longer have to worry about traffic jams or accidents though on the highway you see no traffic lights or police. Cars which are going at 180 kilometers an hour are all computer-programmed②.

The meeting is over, and I am tired. I walk out to breathe the fresh spring air. The flowers smell nice, and the birds are singing happily. My thoughts turn back to 60 years ago when the government was busy developing the economy and little attention was given to the polluted surroundings, the air, the water, the sea animals, etc. But now everything has changed. All the facto

科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案:

科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案:

科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040作文 2040年的一天作文文案:

结语:在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过《科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040》作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的《科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040》作文呢?以下是小编整理的《科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040》,仅供参考,希望能够在写《科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040》上帮助到大家