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英语My Good Friend作文 文案

2019-03-09 小升初作文 类别:其他 300字

下面是文案网小编分享的英语My Good Friend作文 文案,以供大家学习参考。

英语My Good Friend作文  文案

英语My Good Friend作文 文案:

my good friend
my name is liu xiaoling.i have a good friend . her name is liu yun. she lives in china . her mather is a singer. she likes swimming. her father is a tv reporter. he likes listening to mnsic. liu yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. every morning , she goes to school on foot. every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. then she goes to bed at nine. this is my good friend liu yun.

英语My Good Friend作文 文案:

My Best Friend(最好的朋友)
I have a best friend.
She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very is hard-working.
She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice-  like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs.
Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun has a very good English name,too---Angle.
My best Friend
Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.
LiNan is very is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time.
Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn't like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary.
I feel proud to have such a friend.
my best friend
My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.
Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?
My Best Friend
Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry.
I’m in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. She’s thirteen years old. Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with her family in Haimen. She’s 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty.
She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea.
She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors. It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together.
My best friend is really great!
My Best Friend
Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is taller than I.
Every morning, we go to school together. She studies quite well and she’s a top student in our class. She is modest in her behaviour. When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together.
We like each other.

英语My Good Friend作文 文案:

怎么办?我们又大板报书上翻了翻――再没了好的图画了。这下怎么办?那块地方就空在那儿会秀难看的!于是我把目光投向了曾敏慧,想从她那儿得到帮助。果真,她想出了一个办法。她叫我和她一起画,说:“这黑黑的黑板就像是宇宙 。宇宙里不是有许多星星吗?我们可以在那儿画许多星星。”于是我们开始星星,可是太多同样的星星不好看呀!我又把头转向了曾敏……我看到她画的星星是各式各样的:有的是蓝色的五角星,有的是黄色的四角星,还有的是红色的圆球星……对呀!我怎么没想到啊!

英语My Good Friend作文 文案:

My Friend
Helen is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is very beautiful. She has a long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She can speak English very well. She likes painting and reading books. Her birthday is in August. Chocolate and ice-cream are her favorite food. She is lovely and smart. She is my best friend forever.

结语:在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。为了让您在写《英语My Good Friend》时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的《英语My Good Friend》,仅供参考,大家一起来看看《英语My Good Friend》吧