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下雪了作文作文 下雪了作文500字文案

2019-03-10 四年级作文 类别:其他 200字

下面是文案网小编分享的下雪了作文作文 下雪了作文500字文案,以供大家学习参考。

下雪了作文作文  下雪了作文500字文案

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下雪了作文作文 下雪了作文500字文案:

Snowfall composition 1
It snowed, and the earth changed into a new white dress, and it was white and beautiful. The top of the tree is hung with twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle! The road is covered with a thick carpet, the creak of the creak, leaving a trail of deep footprints.
It's snowing, and my grandpa gave us white snow, so that we can have a happy snowball fight and play games. Knead a few snowballs, then, aim, and throw the extra effort into the \"enemy\", launching an attack. We also love to make a snowman, roll for snowball, do the snowman's body, a big round underneath, again is a small snowballs make the snowman's head, with two black buttons in its eyes, according to the carrot nose to do it, do it with a small stone mouth, with two branches to do it by the hand, the snowman complete! It's snowing and we can ski...
How fast the winter passed! Winter is over, and winter games are fun! I thought about the winter, and I went home and said, \"we can have snowball fights in winter, make snowmen, ski, take pictures, etc... I hope this beautiful snow can be saved forever!\" My mother smiled and said, \"honey, the happy time of winter will pass away and enjoy the happiness of every season!\"
Grandpa dong, you can come again next year!
Snowfall composition 2
On the morning of the first half of the year, I came together to find white snow outside the window. All around was white. It was as if the wheat seedlings had been covered with a white quilt. The tree was like a white pear blossom.
I and the children came to the playground to make a snowman, we rolled a bigger snowball, rolled a smaller snowball. We use carrots for our noses, gold pieces of candy for our eyes, chilies for mouths, buckets for hats, branches for arms. Such a lovely snowman is piled up. We have a snowball fight. At first, I didn't play, and then my brig. was getting better and better. Little by little, I hit it. A snowball just crept into my dress, shaking my ice. When the children saw it, they all laughed. I got angry. I threw three hits and hit three people. I made a face at them. They turned their eyes round and fought back. Although our chubby hands were red with cold, they were very happy.
It seems that this year is another good year for harvest.
Snowfall composition 3
The air in xi 'an is so bad that almost everyone goes out with a mask.
Finally, the afternoon of the first five years of the big year, a little snow flower, the time slowly passed, around five o 'clock, a goose feather heavy snow.
The snowflakes drifted up to the top of the mountain, as if they had made a quilt for the mountain. The snow drifted to the icy creek and the stream turned white. The snow covered the roof of the car. The snow fell on the roof, as if it had covered the house with a quilt, so that it would not be cold. Snowflakes float to the bridge, as if a long carpet is spread on the bridge, soft and soft lets people walk on the bridge more comfortable.
Very not easy to a snow, people are very cherish her, some of the uncle and aunt in the photo, some aunts and uncles in appreciation of beauty, some children make a snowman, some children in the snowball fights, some children in the ski.
It's snowing, I'm so happy, because the haze has been reduced, the air in xi 'an is fresh, but we must wear more clothes, or we'll catch a cold.
The snow came too late, but it was also timely, improving the air quality and increasing the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, which is called the Spring Festival.

下雪了作文作文 下雪了作文500字文案:

描写雪的作文400字 下雪了

下雪了作文作文 下雪了作文500字文案:

第二天,柯柯一大清早就叫我下去玩。原来他想让我和他玩打雪仗啊。事不宜迟,激烈的雪仗开始了,我信心十足,一定能打败他。空气中弥漫着一股浓烈的火药味,似乎一触即发。柯柯拿着事先捏好的雪球,向我冲来,我赶快发动猛烈的进攻。“ oh mg godi”我的脖子凉飕飕的,不好,我“中弹”了,只见柯柯又在做“超强爆头”,我随即捏了一个雪球,砸向柯柯。耶!柯柯终于中弹,我反败为胜。
