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元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案

2019-03-08 小升初作文 类别:节日 300字

下面是文案网小编分享的元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案,以供大家学习参考。

元旦英语My New Years Day作文  元旦英语手抄报2023文案

元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案:

it’s the new years day today. i got up very early! i heard the bird singing in the trees. after breakfast, my mum, my father and i went to the local park. everything was beautiful there,
we saw many boats in the lake. later on, we went to my grandfather’s home. there are many trees and some flowers.
at seven o’clock, we went home. it’s a happy day today.

元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案:

600字元旦英语作文:new year’s day
every year january 1st is the new year’s day. new year’s day is the first day in a year, which people regard it as the beginning of the whole year. it is a holiday for memories and for hopes. chinese always believe that a good beginning will make a whole year become smoothly. so, it is an important festival that nearly everyone will have a day off.
as it is important, people have figured out many ways to celebrate it. some people will celebrate it with families and some will celebrate with friends. no matter what kind of celebrating way, it will be full of happiness.
for me, i only have one day off, and i study far away from my family, so i can’t celebrate this special day with my family. but i will do it with my friends. we plan to have a wonderful dinner on the eve of new year’s day. and then we will talk and stay together to do the new year countdown. on the new year’s day, we are going to going hiking or go shopping. it is certain that we call our family to share the enjoyment for the first day.
i believe new year’s day would be a wonderful day. my dear friends and families: in this new year wishes god bless you! fortuna clinging to you!

元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案:

小学生元旦的英语作文:my first day of new year
at the first day of new year, i was so excited that i got up very early in the morning. but mother was earlier than me, and she had gotten the breakfast ready. dumplings, that's my favourite. after the wonderful breakfast, i left home with my parents to visit our relatives. on the way, i said \"happy new year\" to everyone that i met and they all said that back to me. everyone is happy and friendly. in my relatives' house, they prepared many sweets and snacks for visitors. they are all very delicious. the more exciting thing was that i got some money from my relatives. i had a fine day in my relatives' family.

元旦英语My New Years Day作文 元旦英语手抄报2023文案:

元旦节的英文是New Year’s Day\/New Year元旦节是一年开始的第一天。

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